ATY-P1 | EEOC Mock Hearing

  • Session Number: ATY-P1
Monday, August 16, 2021: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Donald J. Names
Associate Counsel and Anti-Harassment Coordinator, Office of Ethics Counsel
National Credit Union Administration
Nicole Diaz
Senior Associate Attorney
Gilbert Employment Law, P.C.
Catherine Kessmeier
Principal Deputy General Counsel
Department of the Navy
Dwight Lewis
Senior Counsel
Gilbert Employment Law, P.C.
Kevin Owen
Gilbert Employment Law, P.C.


Join Mr. Names and an all-star cast as they take you through the entire EEOC hearing process, with an emphasis on the critical points as well as expert advice from seasoned litigators for both agency and complainant representatives. First they’ll tackle the pre-hearing process, which now plays a vital role in setting the stage for the hearing. Then they’ll move into key phases of the actual hearing before an administrative judge, from opening statements and examining witnesses to the AJ's decision from the bench! You’ll get expert guidance on each step of the process. This is consistently one of FDR’s most popular sessions, and even our most experienced colleagues will learn a thing or two!


Learning Objectives

-Understand the purpose of each stage of the EEO administrative hearing process
-Recognize the heightened importance of your actions during the pre-hearing process
-Sharpen your skills and learn how to avoid mistakes

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